
    Publications Currently Available...


    Speaking In Tongues: Its Profit & Usage In The Life of a Believer by Don E. Graniero

    A detailed look at the scripture regarding this often misunderstood manifestation of the spirit.

    Soft cover, 34pages. Download the PDF here.

    Book of Acts Continued: Growth in India's Home Fellowships by Michael FitzGerald / Grace: God's Continuous Favor to You by Sangat Singh Bains

    The simple principles at work in the home fellowships in India that are reaping miraculous results are documented in this short but immensly important booklet. Michael FitzGerald chronicals his visit to India with many testimonies and eyewitness accounts of the signs, miracles and wonders happening daily as believers witness the One True God and His son Jesus Christ.

    Also included is the article by Sangat Bains entitled "Grace: God's Continuous Favor To You". In this article he looks at the tremendous blessings and benefits for the believers as recipients of God's wonderful grace and the joy of being God's children.

    Paperback, 50 pages.

    More to come....



    Good NewsA wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:
    Proverbs 1:5 Contact us.
